vibrator review

I Almost Dig It: HotOctopuss DiGit Review

This HotOctopuss DiGit review celebrates a toy that’s got great functionality and good (but not perfect) design. Many will love it, and I definitely like it, even if I’d make some changes. It’s well-named, pocket-sized, and quite handsome. Let’s DiG in! Out of the Box The DiGit comes in an elegant, simple box with a… Read more I Almost Dig It: HotOctopuss DiGit Review

Swimmingly Simple: Paloqueth Mermaid Review

This Paloqueth Mermaid review is not breaking any new ground. It’s a straightforward vibrator that’s straightforward and effective. But in this day of fancy bells-and-whistles sex toys, sometimes a simple, inexpensive vibrator is a breath of fresh air. With its strong motor and basic design, the Paloqueth Mermaid is a good starter vibrator and a… Read more Swimmingly Simple: Paloqueth Mermaid Review

Patchy paul held artfully at an angle

Fun Factory Patchy Paul Review: A Wondrous Worm

This Fun Factory Patchy Paul review is a celebration. After quite a few mediocre toys lately, I was starting to think that I was getting jaded to the whole sex toy review thing. Was everything just lower quality than I expected, falling short of my expectations? Are my expectations just too high? Perhaps, but not… Read more Fun Factory Patchy Paul Review: A Wondrous Worm

tongue flower mouth

The Tongue Flower: Fondlove Oral Sex Simulator Review

There are a lot of toys out there that claim to mimic the sensation of receiving oral sex. And, universally, they all fail. (Are there exceptions? Let me know.) But just because a toy can’t mimic oral sex doesn’t mean it’s a bad toy. The oral sex simulator from Fondlove doesn’t feel anything like oral… Read more The Tongue Flower: Fondlove Oral Sex Simulator Review