pressure wave

Sila Cruise with accessories

Lelo Comparison Post: Sila Cruise vs. Sona 2 Cruise for Sexmas Day 5

It’s Day 5 of Sexmas, and I’ve got something special for you all! Today, I have a Lelo comparison: the Sila Cruise vs the Sona 2 Cruise. These are both powerful, top-notch clit stimulators with a lot of similarities, and both would make excellent holiday gifts for yourself or a loved one. Let’s get into… Read more Lelo Comparison Post: Sila Cruise vs. Sona 2 Cruise for Sexmas Day 5

Marilyn with accessories

Womanizer Marilyn Monroe Edition Review: Sexmas Day 2

Merry Sexmas, everyone! Sexmas is the time of year between Thanksgiving and New Year’s where I post a bunch of sex toy reviews and try to catch up on my backlog before the end of the year. It’s a great time to celebrate all things sex toys, whether you’re buying them for yourself or someone… Read more Womanizer Marilyn Monroe Edition Review: Sexmas Day 2

We-Vibe Melt Box

Blue Dicksmas: We-Vibe Melt in Blue (Dicksmas Day One)

Welcome again to the Days of Dicksmas! This is a December-focused review roundup where I catch up on product reviews and add some festive cheer to your month by talking about sex toys. Dicksmas obeys no rules: there might be any number of Days of Dicksmas and they might go all the way into mid-January… Read more Blue Dicksmas: We-Vibe Melt in Blue (Dicksmas Day One)

Premium eco with accessories

Seeing Green: Womanizer Premium Eco Review

Womanizer has been a leader in sex toy innovation for years. Popularizing pressure-wave/”pleasure air” technology and spawning the next wave in clit stimulation, Womanizer is again breaking new ground with the Premium Eco. My Womanizer Premium Eco review looks at this sustainable sex toy for its design and its effectiveness. In short, the Premium Eco… Read more Seeing Green: Womanizer Premium Eco Review

Enigma from side

Lelo Enigma Review: No Mystery, Just Great Orgasms

I’ve reviewed a lot of sex toys in the past five years. (Over 100! You can check out the spreadsheet.) Often, when a toy is trying to do multiple things at the same time, it fails in all of them. There are notable exceptions. The Lelo Enigma is an exception. The Engima is described as… Read more Lelo Enigma Review: No Mystery, Just Great Orgasms

Angel's Wings in hand from side

Magical Wizard Pipe: Angel’s Wings Review

This is a sponsored post. My Angel’s Wings review celebrates a toy that is a surprise hit of early 2021. This strangely-named toy combines pressure wave clitoral stimulation with vibration and what I can only describe as a g-spot jackhammer, and it’s a quick trip to orgasm city, my friends. Best of all: it looks… Read more Magical Wizard Pipe: Angel’s Wings Review

Curvy 1+ from the front, with a shot of the buttons

Curvy and Satisfying: Satisfyer Curvy 1+ Review for Sexmas Day 6

It’s Christmas Eve Day, and this year, that’s Sexmas Day 6 and a Satisfyer Curvy 1+ review. I wanted to share this review with you all today because I love the Satisfyer Curvy 1+ and we all deserve great orgasms for the holidays (and always). Background Info Satisfyer makes the clit sucker that got me… Read more Curvy and Satisfying: Satisfyer Curvy 1+ Review for Sexmas Day 6