Hollywood Clit Sucker: Womanizer Starlet Review

I’ve had my clit sucked by a lot of toys, and a handful of people. It’s a good time. But I’ve never, until now, had the opportunity to try a product by the original air pressure sex toy device manufacturer, the unfortunately-named but highly-regarded Womanizer. That ends today! This Womanizer Starlet review examines a small, innocuous-seeming toy that nonetheless packs a pleasant wallop.

July 2024 Note: since publishing this review, Womanizer has updated the Starlet a few times. These links lead to the Starlet 3, the newest version of this product at the time of my update.

First Impressions

The Womanizer Starlet comes in a purple box with salmon-colored accents, and the product itself is visible through a clear plastic shell and a cutout in the box.

Womanizer Starlet in box

The Starlet comes with a magnetic charging cord, a user guide, and the device itself.

Starlet with cord

In hand, the Starlet is not really that impressive. The case is plastic, and the toy itself is very light and sort of…cheap-feeling. The silicone nozzle is decently firm with very little give. The nozzle is approximately the size of a fingertip.

It has two buttons, the up button (which you hold to turn the device on) and the down button (which you hold to turn the device off). It charges by magnetic induction, helping make the device completely waterproof.

In Use

The first thing I noticed when I started using the Starlet was a bit of difficulty getting the nozzle exactly positioned over my clit. It’s not a very big nozzle. I also have a hood piercing, so there’s the end of a barbell in the way. Years ago, when Womanizer first burst onto the sex toy scene, I’d been hesitant to try it because i was concerned about my hood piercing, and I couldn’t find anything online about whether it was safe to use with one.

Never fear, folks. All these clit suckers work fine with hood piercings, although you may have to line up part of the barbell outside the nozzle. That’s what I do.

So I got the Womanizer Starlet situated and turned it on. Immediately, I felt the wonderful, familiar sensations of clit sucking. This is a fairly assertive toy. Even on the lowest setting, I can feel the sensation, and if I turn it up at all, it becomes more pronounced. That doesn’t mean the toy is too intense, but that it’s really effective. It doesn’t need a dozen settings. It’s got 4. And I love it.

A side effect (or purposeful element) of the Starlet’s design is how the nozzle narrows on its inside. Here, take another look.

Starlet from front

Notice how as you look into the nozzle, the inside is narrower than the outside. This is a feature that seems unique to the Womanizer brand. The effect of this is that it sort of “cradled” my clit, giving much more pinpoint air-based stimulation.

Also, the qualities that had at first made the Starlet seem cheap to me (plastic body, light weight) suddenly became assets when I was using it. The device was so light and easy to hold, and my arm didn’t get tired. Plus, it’s light enough to stay in place really well with just my legs holding it instead of my hand, for ultimate laziness. The weight of the toy is negligible, so it doesn’t pull away from my body.

I have had some amazing orgasms with this toy. It works like a dream.

Kudos and Caveats

Kudos for a lightweight toy that’s easy to hold and use.

More kudos to waterproofing, which should be standard on all toys now. It’s 2019. All toys should be waterproof.

Caveat: The nozzle might be hard to situate on you, and difficult if you have a larger clit.

Kudos: The design of the nozzle gave me more stimulation and might do the same for you.

Kudos for having the “off” button be the DOWN button instead of the UP button. I don’t want to accidentally ramp it up when I’m trying to turn it off.

Caveat: the branding is fairly gendered. The name is “Womanizer,” and all the descriptions on the site are about being a woman’s perfect sex toy. It’s hard when your branding is built on gender essentialism, but I’d love to see Womanizer move into more inclusive language for trans and nonbinary folks.

Final Thoughts

The Starlet is a great toy. It’s got a wonderful design and the capacity to provide powerful orgasms with very little effort on the user’s part. It’s also fairly simple and non-intimidating for new sex toy users, while having the power to please even experts like me. In my book, that’s a win all around.

I received this toy in exchange for my honest review. This post uses affiliate links, and purchasing a product through those links benefits this site. Thank you for your support.

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