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Mushroom with instructions and cable

Mushroom Sucking Vibrator Review: Masturbation Month Day Four

It’s my 300th post on this blog! It’s also still National Masturbation Month! What a perfect day to review the Mushroom Sucking Vibrator from Inyarose. This toy offers two different types of stimulation and manages to look cute as hell while doing it. First Impressions The Mushroom comes in a white box with the toy’s… Read more Mushroom Sucking Vibrator Review: Masturbation Month Day Four

Nora with bag and cable and instructions

Lovense Nora Review: Masturbation Month Day Three

Hi folks! It is National Masturbation Month, and I’m doing a bunch of review to celebrate. Today, on Day Three (which is not May 3rd), I am reviewing the Lovense Nora. I’m so excited to be reviewing for Lovense! They are the big name in remote-controlled vibrator technology. I was an IndieGogo supporter of the… Read more Lovense Nora Review: Masturbation Month Day Three

Vibe from side

Funzze Inflatable Vibrator Review: Masturbation Month Day Two

Hi folks! I’m back with another review in honor of National Masturbation Month. I’m calling this my “day two” review because it’s my second review, but we all know it’s not May 2nd, right? Try not to think about it too deeply. I’m here with another review from Funzze, which is a company offering a… Read more Funzze Inflatable Vibrator Review: Masturbation Month Day Two

Terri from front

Terri Tapping Vibrator Review: Masturbation Month Day One

Hello folks! It’s May, and that means a lot of things: warmer weather, blooming flowers, college graduations…and National Masturbation Month! I have a bunch of toys to review, so I’m going to celebrate this month in style by bringing you a whole slew of reviews. Today, Day One, I’m reviewing the Terri Tapping Vibrator from… Read more Terri Tapping Vibrator Review: Masturbation Month Day One

With hat

Space Cloud Sucking Vibrator Review: It’s So Cute, I’m Gonna Explode

My top priority of sex toys is effectiveness, obviously. I want a toy that gets me off. But if you’ve been following the blog long enough, you know that I’m also a sucker for cute toys. So, I’m thrilled to be on the blog today reviewing the Space Cloud Sucking Vibrator from Inyarose. This is… Read more Space Cloud Sucking Vibrator Review: It’s So Cute, I’m Gonna Explode

Beads in hand from side

Lelo Soraya Beads Review: Expanding Boundaries

Hi folks! I’m on the blog today reviewing the Lelo Soraya Beads, an anal beads massager. I’m getting tripped up as to whether this is a singular or plural noun. Like, why is it a pair of underwear, but only one bra?? I think it’s both. These are the Lelo Soraya Beads, and they are… Read more Lelo Soraya Beads Review: Expanding Boundaries

All you see here! Magic wand with three accessories, charging cable, satin bag, and instructions

Tracy’s Dog Magic Vibrating Wand Review: Magic Plus Accessories

Wand vibrators are one of the most famous forms of sex toys. Masquerading as a back massager, or doing legit double duty as one, wand vibrators from various companies have been a stealth sex toy since the 70s. I’m on the blog today reviewing the Tracy’s Dog Magic Vibrating Wand, a wand vibrator with a… Read more Tracy’s Dog Magic Vibrating Wand Review: Magic Plus Accessories

Zerger from front

Nothosaur Zerger Ovipositor Review: Laying Eggs For Science

It’s my birthday on Monday, and I can’t think of any better way to celebrate than reviewing an ovipositor, or egg-laying dildo, for my wonderful readership. I’m thrilled to be partnering with Nothosaur, a toy company specializing in the fantasy realm. When Nothosaur contacted me, I was happy to collaborate on this long-awaited product review.… Read more Nothosaur Zerger Ovipositor Review: Laying Eggs For Science

Necklace from the front

Loviss Dewdrop Vibrator Necklace Review: Pleasure Decor

Innovative and unique sex toys are my jam, so I’m happy to review the Loviss Dewdrop Vibrator Necklace. This playful, lovely vibrator doubles as jewelry if you’re daring, and it offers an aesthetically-crafted celebration of pleasure at your fingertips. While I have some quibbles about the vibrator itself, the overall product is tongue-in-cheek fun. First… Read more Loviss Dewdrop Vibrator Necklace Review: Pleasure Decor

Lilian in hand, showing shaft size

Juntame Lilian Review: Here For The Party

I review a lot of elegant toys, toys of subtlety and nuance…and I also review some sex toys more direct and to the point. The Juntame Lilian falls into the latter category. This g-spot vibrator with a licking tongue and wildly gyrating shaft is here for a shock and awe campaign on your nether regions,… Read more Juntame Lilian Review: Here For The Party