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“Longest Night Of The Year” List Of Hot People

Today is the winter solstice, also known as Yule, and subsequently the longest night of the year. In honor of that fact, I thought I’d post a list of some hot people with whom I’d love to spend any long night. Consider it an early Christmas gift, if that’s your holiday of choice. I tried… Read more “Longest Night Of The Year” List Of Hot People

Why I’ll Always Get My Hopes Up

I’m an incurable optimist. I try the front row in the parking lot at the mall during Christmas season. I call in during radio sweepstakes. I believe that people are inherently good, tomorrow is another day, and everything will ultimately turn out well. People sometimes think this means I’m not realistic, that I live in… Read more Why I’ll Always Get My Hopes Up

Fanfiction: The Controversy And The Love Story

Few topics inspire such hot debate among writers as fanfiction. If you don’t know, fanfiction is the practice of writing stories starring characters from other media: television shows, movies, comic books, novels, etc. As a fanfiction reader (and erstwhile writer), I wanted to blog about this topic and explore both its controversies and its appeal.… Read more Fanfiction: The Controversy And The Love Story

The Wide World of… Sex Toys: Part 4

This post is fourth in a multi-part series on sex toys. You can find the other parts here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Miscellaneous “Kinky” Toys Ahh, kink. Kinkiness comes in many shapes and sizes: your “vanilla” might be my “rocky road.” There’s a whole range of kinky toys out there depending on your personal tastes.… Read more The Wide World of… Sex Toys: Part 4

Purely Professional is under contract!

I’m pleased to announce that I’ve signed a contract with Carina Press, Harlequin’s digital imprint, to publish Purely Professional. I’ve had to keep this under wraps for some time now, but now the book has officially been sold and I’m excited about the next steps! In Purely Professional, a journalist explores the submissive side of her… Read more Purely Professional is under contract!