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Another White Woman Talks About Fall

My name is Elia Winters, and I’m a cliché. I love the shit out of Fall. Tomorrow is the first day of October. The nights are cool, temperatures dropping easily into the 40s at night, and the Hilltowns have already experienced their first frost of the season. The leaves are changing, because it’s New England and… Read more Another White Woman Talks About Fall

On never growing up, or why you should do GISHWHES

I always assumed there would be some point in my life where I finally felt grown up. When I reached that age, I would no longer feel the need to jump in puddles, or giggle at fart jokes, or build pillow forts. I would read nothing but Serious Literature and I would know what kind… Read more On never growing up, or why you should do GISHWHES

I’m Writing This Post Instead of a Book Right Now

Sometimes writing is easy. On those days, even when you’re not writing, your mind is awash with book possibilities, and when you actually sit down to the keyboard, the words just flow like someone is dictating the story and you’re just writing it down. Days like that are amazing. It’s like being in a movie montage with… Read more I’m Writing This Post Instead of a Book Right Now

Sex, Abs, and Beignets: My RT 2014 Wrap-Up

A week ago, I got back from the Romantic Times Booklovers Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana. Someone (anyone know who?) described RT as “Comic Con for Romance Novelists,” and that’s the most accurate description I’ve ever heard. Like Comic-Con, RT was filled with people in costume, stuff to buy, tons of swag, a convivial atmosphere,… Read more Sex, Abs, and Beignets: My RT 2014 Wrap-Up

The details are all tied up… like the characters

Almost exactly one month after sharing my great news about Combustion, I have… more great news! I’ve just signed a contract with Simon & Schuster for Playing Knotty, my next novel! And now, the blurb for Playing Knotty: Emma Green isn’t used to fitting in with the popular crowd: back in school, she was always… Read more The details are all tied up… like the characters

Combustion is going full “steam” ahead…

Hello, folks! I’m please to announce that I’ve signed a contract with Samhain Publishing for Combustion, my Steampunk erotic romance! Samhain is a wonderful publishing company with an open-minded attitude toward a wide range of romance and erotica, and I’m really looking forward to working with them. Stay tuned for more information, which will always be posted… Read more Combustion is going full “steam” ahead…

Putting the Steam in “Steampunk”

Howdy, blog! Purely Professional is out in the world, making people happy and horny and curious about their next door neighbors and the potential of remote-control vibrators. What’s been happening in the meantime? Well, for one, my agent has been shopping around Combustion, which is a Steampunk erotic romance. We’ve been getting some offers, which is… Read more Putting the Steam in “Steampunk”

Welcome to guest author Elodie Parkes!

A special welcome today to guest author Elodie Parkes, whose erotic contemporary paranormal romance Forever Blue is now available from Hot Ink Press. She’s here today to tell us what inspired the novel and share an excerpt. ‘Forever Blue,’ my December 20 release with Hot Ink Press, was inspired by the woodland near where I live.… Read more Welcome to guest author Elodie Parkes!