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I am the world’s worst wrapper of presents.

It’s time to come clean. With the Festivus “Airing of Grievances” yesterday, I’m in the spirit of honesty, and I need to get something off my chest. I’m terrible at wrapping presents. I used to think this was because I was buying the shitty wrapping paper that tears every time you look at it wrong,… Read more I am the world’s worst wrapper of presents.

PLAYING KNOTTY Pre-Order Links are Live!

I just got the best early Christmas present ever! (Well, aside from Misha Collins wrapped in a bow. That would supersede all other early Christmas gifts.) But since it’s not a gift-wrapped celebrity, whatever can it be? Playing Knotty pre-order links! That’s right. You, too, can preorder Playing Knotty and have it delivered to your digital… Read more PLAYING KNOTTY Pre-Order Links are Live!

Playing Knotty Cover Reveal on Monday 12/1

This Monday, I’ll be revealing the cover for my novel Playing Knotty! To celebrate this cover reveal, each day between now and then, I’ll be releasing a new post about a bondage tie that you can use at home. That’s right, you’re getting the Knot of the Day. Have fun, be safe, and I’ll see you… Read more Playing Knotty Cover Reveal on Monday 12/1

NaNoWriMo and Trusting “Future You”

NaNoWriMo Begins! Year 14 of National Novel Writing Month for me started yesterday. Well, NaNoWriMo started for everyone yesterday, but it’s year 14 for me. (Starting in 2001 should have made it easy to figure out, but I seem to forget every year which year it is for me.) I’m part of a NaNoWriMo facebook group, and… Read more NaNoWriMo and Trusting “Future You”