
I’m Writing This Post Instead of a Book Right Now

Sometimes writing is easy. On those days, even when you’re not writing, your mind is awash with book possibilities, and when you actually sit down to the keyboard, the words just flow like someone is dictating the story and you’re just writing it down. Days like that are amazing. It’s like being in a movie montage with… Read more I’m Writing This Post Instead of a Book Right Now

Why I’ll Always Get My Hopes Up

I’m an incurable optimist. I try the front row in the parking lot at the mall during Christmas season. I call in during radio sweepstakes. I believe that people are inherently good, tomorrow is another day, and everything will ultimately turn out well. People sometimes think this means I’m not realistic, that I live in… Read more Why I’ll Always Get My Hopes Up

Fanfiction: The Controversy And The Love Story

Few topics inspire such hot debate among writers as fanfiction. If you don’t know, fanfiction is the practice of writing stories starring characters from other media: television shows, movies, comic books, novels, etc. As a fanfiction reader (and erstwhile writer), I wanted to blog about this topic and explore both its controversies and its appeal.… Read more Fanfiction: The Controversy And The Love Story

A Guide to Winning NaNoWriMo – Part 2: Planning Tips

We’ve battened down the old hatches here in New England as we await the arrival of Hurricane Sandy, and I’m hoping to get this post out soon in case we lose power. More importantly, though, I need to finish my Nanowrimo planning! Some people spend months planning their November novels, but I’m not one of… Read more A Guide to Winning NaNoWriMo – Part 2: Planning Tips

A Guide to Winning NaNoWriMo – Part 1: General Tips

It’s almost November, and around here, November means National Novel Writing Month. The month hasn’t snuck up on me this time; rather, it’s loomed slowly out of the shadows like a great hulking beast, and I’ve watched it come with what may seem, to others, like an inappropriate lack of fear. We’re exactly one week… Read more A Guide to Winning NaNoWriMo – Part 1: General Tips

A Different Kind of “Coming Out” – Writing BDSM

I think I was 12 when I started sneaking my mother’s romance novels, ever since she made me return The Mammoth Hunters by Jane Auel to my 8th grade English teacher’s library because the book had too much sex in it. (For the record: it does.) I didn’t really understand sex until that point, certainly didn’t… Read more A Different Kind of “Coming Out” – Writing BDSM