
Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen Review: Masturbation Month Day Five

I haven’t written a review for a Hot Octopuss product in a while, so I’m really happy to be on the blog today with their latest product! Hot Octopuss is a company I enthusiastically support, as they’re always working to build accessibility into their sex toys. The Pulse Queen is a wand with oscillating technology.… Read more Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen Review: Masturbation Month Day Five

Amo out of box

Amo, Amas, Amat: Hot Octopuss Amo Review

It’s a new decade, and life is too short for mediocre sex toys. Fortunately, Hot Octopuss is here with the Amo, a beautiful bullet vibe that combines a rumbly motor with an effective design. It’s everything I liked about the DiGiT without those weird finger loops. It’s named for love, and I’m in love. Here… Read more Amo, Amas, Amat: Hot Octopuss Amo Review

I Almost Dig It: HotOctopuss DiGit Review

This HotOctopuss DiGit review celebrates a toy that’s got great functionality and good (but not perfect) design. Many will love it, and I definitely like it, even if I’d make some changes. It’s well-named, pocket-sized, and quite handsome. Let’s DiG in! Out of the Box The DiGit comes in an elegant, simple box with a… Read more I Almost Dig It: HotOctopuss DiGit Review