Zerger from front

Nothosaur Zerger Ovipositor Review: Laying Eggs For Science

It’s my birthday on Monday, and I can’t think of any better way to celebrate than reviewing an ovipositor, or egg-laying dildo, for my wonderful readership. I’m thrilled to be partnering with Nothosaur, a toy company specializing in the fantasy realm. When Nothosaur contacted me, I was happy to collaborate on this long-awaited product review.… Read more Nothosaur Zerger Ovipositor Review: Laying Eggs For Science

Bidet seat closed

The Sixth Day of Dicksmas: Omigo Bidet

And now for something completely different. It’s Christmas today, a day for food and family. It’s also the sixth day of Dicksmas, because Dicksmas does not follow the rules of any calendar. For this, Christmas day, the sixth day of Dicksmas, I wanted to review a not-dick: the Omigo Bidet. My Omigo Bidet review has… Read more The Sixth Day of Dicksmas: Omigo Bidet

Masturbation Mishaps: Confess Here

As we celebrate National Masturbation Month, it’s fun (and cringe-inducing) to remember those embarrassing moments in pursuit of orgasm. Masturbation mishaps: we all have them. Before we get to that, though, the results of yesterday’s Twitter poll. More than half of respondents had their first orgasm at age 13 or younger. Very impressive, folks! I’m… Read more Masturbation Mishaps: Confess Here

It’s All Good in the Hood: Some TMI about Hood Piercings

We’re a few days into National Masturbation Month now, and I figure it’s been a couple of weeks since my last TMI saga, so I wanted to talk about hood piercings on the blog today. Before that, though, thanks to everyone who answered yesterday’s Twitter #MasturbationMonth survey about how many sex toys you own. I’m… Read more It’s All Good in the Hood: Some TMI about Hood Piercings

Oh the Dicks You Will See: Adventures in Sexting with Strangers

Sometimes, I like sexting with people on Kik. Wow, that’s a sentence that wouldn’t have made any sense twenty years ago. In case you’re twenty years behind in technology or just haven’t heard of Kik – or maybe sexting – I’ll explain. Kik is an anonymous chat program that lets you sign up with just an email… Read more Oh the Dicks You Will See: Adventures in Sexting with Strangers