bullet vibrator

Lily 3 in hand, showing the two bottom buttons

Lelo Lily 3 Review: Blooming Brilliant

As the weather warms and thoughts turn toward spring, flowers are on the mind…and sex, too, obviously. This Lily 3 review explores a small clit stimulator that manages to pack a powerhouse engine in a tiny, silent package. It’s a perfect toy for all seasons, whether you’re ready for blooming florals or (like me) hoping… Read more Lelo Lily 3 Review: Blooming Brilliant

Amo out of box

Amo, Amas, Amat: Hot Octopuss Amo Review

It’s a new decade, and life is too short for mediocre sex toys. Fortunately, Hot Octopuss is here with the Amo, a beautiful bullet vibe that combines a rumbly motor with an effective design. It’s everything I liked about the DiGiT without those weird finger loops. It’s named for love, and I’m in love. Here… Read more Amo, Amas, Amat: Hot Octopuss Amo Review