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Lead Your Own Parade: Le Wand Baton Review

No, we’re not talking about the kind of batons you twirl or use to accompany the color guard. This Le Wand Baton review is talking about 100% pure sex toy: a straightforward, simple vibrator designed for direct clitoral stimulation. You could probably use it on other parts of the body, or maybe for a massage, but this isn’t that kind of blog. We’re talking clits, here, and the Baton is made for clits. It’s not the best clit vibrator I’ve used, but it’s fairly effective, and much like the Deux, it’s got a beautiful aesthetic.

Out of the Box

The Baton comes in a simple white box with an image of the product on the outside. Inside, the toy comes with instructions, a black velvet bag, and a…hat. I’ll talk about that in a minute.

The Baton has three slightly raised buttons that are quite subtle in design but easy to feel in use. The body has a soft silicone coating that makes it pleasant to hold and use.

And then it’s got this…hat. It’s a “premium textured silicone attachment,” and it sits over the top of the toy to transmit vibrations to a broader area.

It looks like a character from Disney’s Fantasia with the hat on, right?

Anyway. My favorite design feature of the Baton is the charger: it’s built right in!

You plug the entire vibrator right into its charging port. No cables to find or lose, and they even attach the cap so you won’t lose that, either.

That’s enough about looks. Let’s talk about function.

Onto My Box

I had many of the same opinions about the Baton as I did about its cousin, the Deux. The vibration on the Baton is a little bit buzzy. It’s not really buzzy, but I found most of the vibration didn’t travel. It felt fairly surface-level. I was, however, able to get good stimulation by pressing it fairly hard into my clit. I would normally use a vibrator a bit more lightly, but I wanted vibration to travel, so pressure it is.

The buttons on the Baton, while low profile in appearance, are easy to find in use. The center one cycles through vibration patterns, and the up and down buttons control the intensity of the vibration and those patterns.

The Baton lets you control the intensity of all patterns through the up and down buttons. This is a great feature. Sometimes I want the pattern, but I don’t want it at the intensity the manufacturer decides is best. Le Wand gives me control over that, and this is magnificent. They aren’t the only company to do so, but it’s still an anomaly rather than a rule. I want every sex toy company to make their toys like this!

Let me talk about the patterns themselves, too. The Le Wand patterns are good! They aren’t as start/stop as some other patterns. There are a number of wave patterns that include continuous stimulation. That type of pattern is my favorite.

Okay. But the hat. I tried that silicone attachment in any possible way, and all it did was block vibration from my clit. First my labia got in the way, and when I moved them, all the vibration was diffused. I tried on an angle, and moving it around, and nothing worked. Maybe it’s an anatomical issue, but I can’t see how that is good for anyone. I ended up very frustrated and tossed that hat aside.

The Baton is a straightforward vibrator, all in all. It’s easy to put it exactly where you want it. It’s slim enough to presumably work during partner intercourse, although I haven’t tried it for that. And while the vibration itself is a bit buzzy, it’s still highly functional.

Kudos and Caveats

Kudos for design and aesthetic. I love the rose gold, the soft touch silicone, the charger built right into the body of the toy.

Kudos for vibration patterns that let you increase and decrease the intensity of the patterns.

A tiny detail, but a big one for me: kudos for sending the toy fully charged as standard practice! I hate getting a new toy and having to wait 8 hours to use it.

Caveat: the vibrator itself isn’t reliably rumbly, and vibrations don’t travel that deep. That said, it’s not super buzzy, either. I’d say it lands squarely in the middle.

Kudos for waterproofing, and caveat for not really waterproofing: the Baton is waterproof if immersed in “pure water of up to 1.6 feet for 30 minutes.” 1.6 feet is…very specific. And it seems kind of weird. I wouldn’t use this in the bath, personally, especially with that 30 minute timer ticking.

Caveat for pricing. At $100, this is a higher end vibrator, but the performance is more upper-middle range, in my opinion.

Caveat: that silicone attachment hat thing is probably not going to do anything for you. Maybe it will, but I do not understand how.

Kudos for a very non-intimidating, friendly vibrator. This would be a great vibrator for someone who’s nervous about getting a vibrator, or someone who wants something straightforward.

Final Thoughts

I like the Baton, but I don’t like it enough to…say…throw a parade for it. It’s not going to be my go-to vibrator, but that doesn’t mean it’s without merit. Well-designed, beautiful, and functional, this is a good vibrator for folks who are intimidated by vibrators. Just maybe ignore the hat.

This product was provided in exchange for an honest review. Affiliate links are being used in this post, and buying products through those links benefits this blog.

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