Cover Reveal: Just Past Two
Folks, I’m so heckin‘ excited for the Just Past Two cover reveal! This book is coming out in less than a month from Entangled Publishing. Yup. This beauty will be available on May 20, 2019. So without further ado…
Folks, I’m so heckin‘ excited for the Just Past Two cover reveal! This book is coming out in less than a month from Entangled Publishing. Yup. This beauty will be available on May 20, 2019. So without further ado…
Guys, gals, nonbinary pals, I am thrilled to finally announce the publication of my next series! The Comes in Threes series presents three polyamorous love stories set in the fictional small-town setting of Mapleton, Massachusetts. Book 1, Three-Way Split, releases on August 20, 2018. Book 2, Three’s the Charm, releases on November 19, 2018. Book 3,… Read more Comes in Threes: The Birth of a Polyamorous Erotic Romance Series