
Combustion is going full “steam” ahead…

Hello, folks! I’m please to announce that I’ve signed a contract with Samhain Publishing for Combustion, my Steampunk erotic romance! Samhain is a wonderful publishing company with an open-minded attitude toward a wide range of romance and erotica, and I’m really looking forward to working with them. Stay tuned for more information, which will always be posted… Read more Combustion is going full “steam” ahead…

Putting the Steam in “Steampunk”

Howdy, blog! Purely Professional is out in the world, making people happy and horny and curious about their next door neighbors and the potential of remote-control vibrators. What’s been happening in the meantime? Well, for one, my agent has been shopping around Combustion, which is a Steampunk erotic romance. We’ve been getting some offers, which is… Read more Putting the Steam in “Steampunk”